TRUSU Social Dance Club is a student club registered through the Thompson Rivers University Student Union. Its goal is to bring more dancing to the TRU campus while proving spaces and lessons that foster community and education. TRUSU Swing operates during the Fall and Winter semesters with the help of volunteers who donate their time.

TRUSU Social Dance Club started its life as TRUSU Swing Dance Club. Registered in 2016, the club was originally started by a small group of passionate students to share their love for swing dancing.

We hope that we can continue to foster the passion for dance that started the club with the help of TRUSU, our lovely volunteers, and community members!


Our vision is to create welcoming and kind spaces where all are invited to come and experience swing dancing, regardless of age, rage, gender, sexuality, or other differences!


Our mission is to provide accessible dance education and events with the lowest possible barriers to entry.

Core Beliefs

We believe that everyone has the right to dance and the right to feel safe while doing so. We also believe in care, respect, authenticity, and lifelong learning!


To make TRUSU Social Dance run we rely on volunteers, both from TRU and the broader dance community. To learn more about who is behind the club that makes all the good times possible check out their bios below.

Lets Connect!

Want to learn more? Or just connect? Please reach out to us, we’d love to hear your feedback or answer any questions you may have.