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Popular Questions

We’ve put together some common questions we get to give you all the information you might want to know. If the answer to your question isn’t here please reach out and we’ll be more than happy to have a chat!

No, but you can if you want! In classes, partners rotate to gain experience and engage with learning with others and their differing skills. At social dances everyone asks everyone to dance, that’s why it’s called a social dance!

You should bring a water bottle, appropriate indoor footwear, yourself, and anything else you might need! Check out our What to Expect page to learn more.

During social dances, it’s normal for people to ask or be asked to dance. If you choose to say yes, generally at the end of the dance it’s common to say thank you before finding someone new to dance with. That’s why it’s called social dancing. However, you always have the right to say no to someone if you don’t want to dance with them!

During classes, it is customary to rotate partners every few minutes. This ensures you dance with lots of different people and you truly learn to lead or follow the steps being taught. However, if you bring a partner and want to stick with them that’s okay too.

No! You have body autonomy, and you get to choose what you do with your body! Including saying yes or no to a dance. Generally, however, it’s expected that you turn people down politely (as long as they are treating you politely too!)

Often when someone says no it’s customary to give a reason because people often feel they have to. If you want to give a reason that’s great, but remember that no is a full sentence too. You don’t have to give a reason if you don’t want to.

No! We start from the basics, and can help you at what ever point you come to learn swing dancing.

Generally speaking comfortable clothes you feel comfortable dancing in. If there is a theme it’s strongly encouraged that you dress up because we’d love to see your outfit!

Free! We try to ensure equal access to our events, so we do our best to remove prohibitive costs.

TRUSU helps us by funding events for student clubs at TRU which is where our funding also comes from.

Everyone! Simple answer.

You say “Okay, no worries!” Sometimes people will give you a reason, or ask to catch a dance later after they’ve taken a break. If that’s the case great! If they don’t give you a reason that’s also okay. There is always another dance to be had, or even dancing with yourself for a solo song!

Sometimes it’s not about you, and sometimes it is. But either way, it’s important to respect someone no.

our location

Where We Are Located

TRUSU Swing Dance Club is a student club based at Thompson Rivers University and is supported by Thompson Rivers University Student Union.

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TRU Campus
Kamloops, BC